Registration And Admission
Registration is open to all candidates irrespective of caste, creed, sex, religion, race, place of birth or nationality. Admission will be granted in each class depending upon the number of seats available when admission is sought. Applicants can obtain the official registration form, fill up the same and deposit it to the Admission office along with appropriate Registration fee. Registered students will be interviewed by the Principal. The student will be admitted to the class suitable for the child, based on the assessment/ interaction.
Documents & Fees
• Application Form (signed by both parents)
• Health Report of child (including Vision,dental and blood group also)
• Original Transfer Certificate & Date of Birth Certificate.
• Photocopy of the Mark-sheet of the school last attended.
• Five passport size photographs of the student.
( 2 photographs at the time of admission and 3 photographs
after admission in school uniform)
• One recent Post card size photograph of the family.
• 2 passport sized photographs of (both) parents.
• 2 passport sized photograph of the guardian.
(i) Address ID and Father's ID.AADHAR CARD
(ii) Annual Income Certificate.
Note :
1. The date of birth of the student accepted by the school will be as stated
in the student's Birth Certificate issued by the Municipal Corporation.
2. Only after submission of all documents stated above admission will be confirmed.
Financial session of the school is from 1st April to 31st March.
Fee will be deposited through School App, Cash, Cheque or DD according to the fee schedule given below.
In case of cancellation of admission of the student due to non- payment of fee, student will have to take Re-admission Rs.5000/- have to be deposited for re-admission. Re-admission will depend on the discretion of the principal.
• All school fees and other dues must be cleared within the prescribed period.
• Fees of 12 months will be realized in 10 months as per fee schedule. Kindly don't approach school staff, school authorities and Management for any type of relaxation in the fee/ late fee.
• You are requested not to violate the rules and regulations. Please note the registration fee and admission fee are one time payment and are non refundable.`
• The fee amount as indicated presently are subjected to revise and the same will be intimated to the parents as needed.
• If the student doesn't come to school for more than 3 days in the month of April at the time of beginning of the new session, is liable to get his/her name struck off from school.
• Even if one day present in the school complete fee (Composite fee & Exam fee) need to be paid upto the month of September.
• The first fee of the session should be submitted within 20 days of the beginning of the new session in April falling in which the seats will be given to someone else.
• All dishonored cheques will be clear the dishonoring charges as per bank and issue as DD with the fee + charges.
• Students of Class X & XII will have to clear all dues before the board practical examination.
(1). Year : 2015-16 Class I-V : Rs. 25,893 Per Annum Class VI-VIII : Rs. 32,116 Per Annum Class IX-X : Rs. 38,340 Per Annum Class XI-XII : *Various discounts are given to students on school fee. (2). Year : 2016-17 Class I-V : Rs. 28,521 Per Annum Class VI-VIII : Rs. 35,376 Per Annum Class IX-X : Rs. 42,231 Per Annum Class XI-XII : Rs. 51,400 *Various discounts are given to students on school fee. (3). Year : 2017-18 Class I-V : Rs. 31,194 Per Annum Class VI-VIII : Rs. 38,691 Per Annum Class IX-X : Rs. 46,188 Per Annum Class XI-XII : Rs. 56,216 Per Annum *Various discounts are given to students on school fee. (4). Year : 2018-19 Class I-V : Rs. 34,079 Per Annum Class VI-VIII : Rs. 42,270 Per Annum Class IX-X : Rs. 50,460 Per Annum Class XI-XII : Rs. 61,415 Per Annum *Various discounts are given to students on school fee. (5). Year : 2019-20 Class I-V : Rs. 41,603 Per Annum Class VI-VIII : Rs. 51,602 Per Annum Class IX-X : Rs. 61,601Per Annum Class XI-XII : Rs. 74,975 Per Annum *Various discounts are given to students on school fee. (6). Year : 2020-21 Class I-V : Rs. 41,603 Per Annum Class VI-VIII : Rs. 51,602 Per Annum Class IX-X : Rs. 61,601 Per Annum Class XI-XII : Rs. 74,975 Per Annum *Various discounts are given to students on school fee. (7). Year : 2021-22 Class I-V : Rs. 41,603 Per Annum Class VI-VIII : Rs. 51,602 Per Annum Class IX-X : Rs. 61,601 Per Annum Class XI-XII : Rs. 74,975 Per Annum *Various discounts are given to students on school fee. (8). Year : 2022-23 Class I-V : Rs. 45,788 Per Annum Class VI-VIII : Rs. 56,793 Per Annum Class IX-X : Rs. 67,798 Per Annum Class XI-XII : Rs. 82,517 Per Annum *Various discounts are given to students on school fee.
(9). Year : 2023-24 Class I-V : Rs.50,394 Per Annum Class VI-VIII : Rs. 62,506 Per Annum Class IX-X : Rs. 74,619 Per Annum Class XI-XII :Rs. 90,818 Per Annum *Various discounts are given to students on school fee.
(10). Year : 2024-25 Class I-V : Rs.55,766 Per Annum Class VI-VIII : Rs.69,169 Per Annum Class IX-X : Rs.82,573 Per Annum Class XI-XII :Rs.1,00,499 Per Annum *Various discounts are given to students on school fee.
(11). Year : 2025-26 Class I-V : Rs.61,337 Per Annum Class VI-VIII : Rs.76,079 Per Annum Class IX-X : Rs.90,822 Per Annum Class XI-XII :Rs.1,10,539 Per Annum *Various discounts are given to students on school fee.
Subject Combinations
Parents As Partners
• The school expects the cooperation of parents to ensure the following :- • The students should come to school regularly and punctually. The students should be dressed in proper, neat and tidy uniform. • The children should bring to school their books and note books properly maintained and according to the Time Table. • The children should do their homework completely and regularly. • Parents are requested not to enter the class room to see their ward or talk to teacher, this causes disturbance to everyone. • Parents must encourage their wards to attend all the Assessment / Quiz and avoid missing the school. • Parents should review current pages of school almanac daily and must counter sign and respond to any comment which may be made periodically by members of the faculty. • Parents should go through the books and copies of their child time to time. • Teachers in this school are not permitted to give private tuitions to the students of their own school. Do not indulge in such activity. • It is for the betterment of your own ward. • Parents should inform the school in case of change of address and telephone number. • Parents should not send gifts to teachers. • Parents are requested to come to school to sign the report card of their wards and to attend Parents Teachers Meeting (P.T.M.) regularly on the dates announced by the school.